Len, our founder, worked as an international platform medium, and organised and tutored courses for many years at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted Hall in Essex, England, working alongside many other high profile mediums including Gordon Higginson. During that time he was also President of the Dee Street Spiritualist Church in Aberdeen for 10 years where he was involved in introducing a strict training programme, which has produced many fine spiritual workers, including mediums, healers, speakers and writers. He continued this work for over 30 years during which time he has developed mediumship, healing, psychic drawing, and trance.
In 2011, he branched into the world of internet radio, sharing his knowledge and wisdom as the main host on AwSum Radio.
Len sadly passed into the world of spirit on 27th October 2015, but his message will continue to be broadcast on AwSum Radio and via the development of his training course.